"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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Ordo Α et Ω


According to the traditional teachings of the Order Α et Ω

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Vincit Qui Patitur


The Temple has been opened in the 0=0 of Neophyte. Principal Officer - Installing Adept; but two other Adepts occupy the stations of Hiereus and Hegemon (in their default the numbers of Highest Grade present.)

The Robes, Laurens and Insignia of the Chiefi, Chief Sub-Chiefi etc. to be installed, are placed at the foot of the Installing Adept, who occupies the Throne of the East. This Ritual will serve for the installation of any Chief Sub, Deputy, Assistant or other.

Inst. Ad.: Vau ו

V.H. (Fratres or Sorores, Frater or Soror), advance to the foot of the Dais.

(Done. May be brought up and presented by a competent Officer.)

You having been duly nominated and appointed by the Authority of the Head of the Order to the high and responsible office (or offices) of Chief... etc., Sub..., Deputy... of this Temple, I now proceed to install you herein by virtue of the Authority which I hold from the Chief of the Order (or his authorized Representative), appointing me as Installing Officer. Unto the which Authorization, and unto the Authority from which it emanates, you hereby submit and assent to subscribe to, if and when called upon to do so.

(Chief or Chiefs, etc. bow in assent)

Hereon, you will therefore accompany me to the Altar, and take the Pledge of Fidelity in the discharge of your Office (or Offices).

(Installing Adept At East of Altar, hands on Cross; Imperator at South; Cancellarius at West; Praemonstrator at North, hands on respective sides of white Triangle. If only one Chief Sub., etc. is to be installed, the others come to the proper side ofthe Altar with him, and place their hands on the Triangle, but do not repeat necessarily the Pledge of Fidelity.)

GD Cross


I _______________, Chief, Sub, Deputy, etc..., of this Temple, in the presence of the Lord of the Universe, do solemnly undertake to perform the duties of mine Office faithfully and impartially, with tact and discretion, as far as lieth in my power, until that a Successor shall have been duly appointed or installed in my stead. Also I will maintain the Constitutions of this Ancient Order, and otherwise conscientiously perform my duty hereunto. So help me the Lord of the Universe.

(The Installing Adept returns to his Throne, and the Chiefs, Chief Sub, etc..., stand at foot of Dais, facing him. In the case of only one, etc., instead of all the three Chiefs being installed, those who have been already installed take their usual places. They are also further distinguished from the designate Chiefs or Chief, by wearing their Robes, etc., of Office.)

Inst. Ad.:

V.H. Frater, (or Soror) __________ , in the Name of the Lord of the Universe, I, on behalf of, and under the authority of the G.H. Chief, or Archon Basileus (or Supreme Imperator), of the Rosicrucian Order of A.O., or his Representative, do declare you duly installed as Imperator (or Imperatrix) of this ___________________ Temple, No. . Your duty as Imperator is to rule and supervise this Temple and enforce strict obedience to the Constitutions of the Order in the mode of Working.

(Invests the Imperator with Robes, etc.)

Inst. Ad.:

V.H. Frater (or Soror) __________ , in the Name of the Lord of the Universe, I, on behalf of, and under the authority of the G.H. Chief, or Archon Basileus (or Supreme Imperator) of the Rosicrucian Order of A.O., or his Representative, do declare you duly installed as Praemonstrator (or Praemonstratrix) of this Temple, No. . Your duty as Praemonstrator is to lecture, to preserve the Ritual, and to instruct the junior members in their studies, and generally to superintend the Occult Working of the Temple.

(Invests the Praemonstrator with Robes, etc.)

Inst. Ad.:

V.H. Frater (or Soror) ,________________ in the Name of the Lord of the Universe, I, on behalf of, and under the authority of the G.H. Chief, or Archon Basileus (or Supreme Imperator) of the Rosicrucian Order of A.O., or his Representative, do declare you duly installed as Cancellarius (or Cancellaria) of this ______________Temple, No. _____ . Your duty as Cancellarius is to take a record of all transactions, to supervise expenditure and receipts, to attend to the Correspondence, to summon members to Assemblies; and on application from the Registrar or other competent and duly authorized Officer of the Higher Order, to furnish him with a statement of Candidates admitted, and their advancement; general business as transacted, etc., for preservation, if deemed necessary, in the Archives of the Second Order. It would also be advisable to you to correct from time to time, and revise, say once annually, the roll of the members of your Temple, marking deaths, demissions, resignations, etc., should such have occurred.

(Invests the Cancellarius with Robes, etc.)

V.H. Chiefs, I congratulate you on your appointment as such, marking, as it does, the confidence reposed in you, both by the Second Order, and by the Members of your Temple. Remember that the prosperity and well-being of a Temple depend to a great extent upon its Chiefs; and that to this end, they should be prepared to work together, nor merely without open discord, but in genuine mutual harmony and agreement, prepared to make mutual allowances and concessions, and rather to voluntarily give way upon a disputed point, than to insist thereon from a feeling of self-pride in private judgment. Furthermore, in their relations with the Officers and Members of their Temple, the same discrimination and tact should be displayed, and allowance made for the especial idiosyncrasies of the nature of each, while administrating the Temple as far as possible in conformity with the Spirit as well as the letter of the regulations and institutions of the Order.

I again congratulate you on your investment.

(The Chiefi, Chief Sub, etc., now ascend the Dais and take their seats as such.)

Inst. Ad.:

Fratres and Sorores, I call upon you to form a Procession in the North, and to Circumambulate the Temple thrice, saluting the Chiefs as you pass the Dais.

(Done. Procession led by the Installing himself: All resume their places. The three Chiefs then appoint, and invest the Officers for the ensuing six months. The actual Investment should be performed by the Imperator; the presentation of the Officers by the Director of Ceremonies, or other competent Member. But, if it be an interim appointment of Chiefs, such rise in turn and assent to the present Officers remaining until next Equinox.)

Vincit Qui Patitur

Rose Cross

Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: Ordo Α et Ω - Ceremony of Installation of the Chiefs of a Temple « ]

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