"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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2°=9° Theoricus


To be studied in the Grade of Theoricus (2°=9°).
Aspirants will be tested on their knowledge of the following material, which must be committed to memory.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn


I - The Soul

II - Spirits

III - The Fylfot Cross

IV - The Caduceus

V - Moon on the Tree of Life

VI - The Tarot

VII - The Tattvas

VIII - The Theoricus Meditation

[ Second Knowledge Lecture « ]   [ » Fourth Knowledge Lecture ]

GD Cross

The Soul

Portions of the Qabalistic Soul Corresponding Sepheroth
Yechidah Kether
Chiah Chokmah
Neschamah Binah
Ruach Chesed through Yesod (inclusive)
Nephesch Malkuth

The Soul is divided by the Kabbalists into three principal parts:

NESCHAMAH - The highest part, answering to the Three Supernals, and to the higher 4spirations of the Soul.

RUACH - The middle part, answering to six Sephiroth from Chesed to Yesod, inclusive. and to the mind and reasoning powers.

NEPHESCH - The lowest, answering to Malkuth, and to the animal instincts.

Neschamah itself is further divided into three parts:

YECHIDAH - is referred to Kether.

CHIAH - is referred to Chokinah.

NESCHAMAH - is referred to Binah.

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GD Cross

The Spirits

Astral Spirits are those belonging to the Astral Plane. Such are false and illusionary forms, shells of the dead, and ghosts and phantoms, that are occasionally seen in seances.

Elemental Spirits are those belonging to the nature of the Elements; some are good and some are evil.

An Angel is a pure and high Spirit of unmixed good in office and function.

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GD Cross

The Fylfot Cross

Fylfot Cross

The 17 squares out of a square of smaller squares, refer to the Sun in the twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Four Elements. They are arranged so that the fixed signs, mutable and cardinal signs are placed in juxtaposition.

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GD Cross

The Caduceus

The Caduceus of Hermes formed of the Mother Letters The Caduceus on the Tree of Life


This form of the Caduceus of Hermes is that of the Three Mother letters, Shin, Aleph. and Mem. It represents Air, as the mediator between Fire above and Water below.


This symbol has another meaning on the Tree of Life. The upper part and wings touch Chokmah and Binah. The knob touches Kether. These are the Three Supernals.

The seven lower Sephiroth are embraced by the twin Serpents whose heads rest upon Chesed and Geburah.

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The Moon on the Tree of Life

Luna on the Tree of Life

In the Moon’s increase the Pillar of Mercy is embraced. In its decrease the Pillar of Severity is embraced. At the full Moon it reflects the Sun of Tiphareth.

Questions about the "Moon on the Tree of Life ":

  • What is the meaning of Luna on the Tree of Life?

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The Tarot

In the Tarot, the ten small cards of each suit refer to the Sepheroth.

Tarot Suit Qabalistic World Tetragramaton
Traditional OSOGD
Wands Atziluth Yod Aleph
Cups Briah Heh Shin
Swords Yetzirah Vau Resh
Pentacles Assiah Heh Heh

The Honors in the deck are the vice-gerants of the Great Name.

Honor Card Familial Relationship Principle
King Father Birth
Queen Mother Life
Knight Son Death
Princess Daughter Resurrection

[ See also: » Manuscript N - The Tarot « ]

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GD Cross

The Tattvas

These are the Tattvas (sometimes ‘Tatwas’) or elemental symbols of the Vedic system. They are based on different ways of building the altars of sacrifice, depending on the offering to be made and its purpose. By combining them in pairs they also form sub-elemental symbols, (e.g. Air of Fire) that can be used to more deeply explore the elements. In this form they are kin to the Court Cards of the Tarot. In the Practicus you will need to make a set of Tatwa cards, single symbol and doubled.


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GD Cross

2°=9° Theoricus

The Theoricus Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Practicus Grade

Take Refuge.

  1. After taking refuge, practice the Moon Breath, while saying mentally the word AUM. (Moon Breath is through the left nostril only, using the thumb of the right hand to close the nostril.) Do this until stabilized in comfort and effect.
  2. Construct crescents, a pentagram and a pentagon with a compass. Next, add to the Moon Breath contemplation of the waxing and waning crescents of the Moon, while visualizing them, one at a time, as a silver crescent upon an indigo background. The waxing crescent is shaped like a “D” (as in Diana) and the waning like a “C” (as in Crone). Similarly contemplate the numbers nine and five and therewith the forms of the Pentagram and the Pentagon.
  3. Contemplate the Vegetable kingdom. Rise in imagination above the mineral world into the world of trees and flowers and identify in love and sympathy with the Powers of the Elements behind these. Imagine yourself as a tree or plant drawing energy from the sun, water and minerals from the earth, to create yourself. Feel the wind in your leaves and shift your attention to being as the Wind and Air. Imagine yourself as cold and dry as the air and made of nothing but vapor. Soak in the Spirit of Air.
  4. Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, identify yourself with the Air SPIRITS in love and sympathy, and recite their prayer as said in the closing of the Theoricus Grade.
  5. Be ready to call to mind the glyphs of the Air Triplicity of the Zodiac. Study and have ready to mind their basic meanings from an astrology manual or other resource, especially noting their Cardinal, Mutable and Kerubic natures.
    Then, in black on a white background, imagine the Glyph of Libra intensely as you can for two minutes. Intoning the name or Hebrew letter of the sign to start will help. Then, as you relax, let the glyph imagined before you dissolve into your body. Note what you think and how you feel. Do the same for Gemini and Aquarius.
  6. Envision the mental world where mind rules over matter, and meditate upon the ideas of appearance and reality.
  7. Practice the Middle Pillar.

Dedicate the Merit.

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Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: The Golden Dawn Lectures & OSOGD « ]

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