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Daniel Tarr

The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra

- A Hindu Tantra képviselői és gyakorlata -



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EnglishEnglish Summary:


The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra

In my thesis I carry out an introductive analyses of the followers and practices of Hindu Tantra. I start with a brief analyses of the development of Hindu thought and trace the tantric tradition back to pre-aryan times to the dravida people of the Indus Civilization. I argue that the tantric tradition is older than Vedic Hinduism and constitutes the basic teachings of both the Puranic Hindu culture and folk religions especially on the side of fertility cults. I than argue that indian ascetics, widely known as sadhus, are the living representatives and followers of the tantric tradition. I also emphasize that orthodox Hinduism based on the teachings of the Vedas and represented by the priest cast of brahmins; and non-orthodox Hinduism based on tantric practice and represented by the cast of sadhus strongly differ and have their own two ways and entirely seperate traditions...

I try to reconstruct the picture of the early ascetics and create my own list of early sadhu sects: I write about the pashupata, kapalika and kalamukha sects in detail and try to distinguish them from other contemporary ascetic sects like the bhikshu (Buddhist), jaina and ajivika sects

My argument leads to the clear distinction of the samayin or "right hand path" and the kaula or "left hand path" tradition in tantric though and practice. I argue that this tradition is the ground for the Puranic Hindu concept of Trimurti - the trinity of God: Brahma the Creator, Visnu the Preserver and Siva the Destroyer. I see the same tradition in reflected in the beliefs and practices of sadhu sects.

Following Dolf Hartsuiker's line of thought I distinguish the two major trends of vaisnava and saiva line: sects following Lord Visnu and sects following Lord Siva. I give an enumeration and short description of the sects: the naga, goraknath, aghori, udasin and sakta on the saiva side and the ramanuji, ramanandi, gauriyi, bairagi and rasik on the vaisnava side.

I also shortly describe the bhakti and lingayat movement and also write about early Buddhist (sarvastivada and sammitiya) and Jain (digambara and svetambara) groups. To make the picture complete I describe the institution of the Guru and introduce some of the notorious gurus who made a great impression on the West: Radnish, Maharishi, Muktananda, Sai Baba, Prabhupada and Acarya. Their main doctrines are also touched upon...

The second part of my paper deals with the lifestyle and practices of the sadhu sects. I write about the general daily routine of leading an ascetic way of life and the ideology that lies behind the acts of sadhana.

I then give my own interpretation of Yoga, seeing it as a complex system of exercises aiming at the final act of liberation. I distinguish four major disciplines of yoga: Hatha-, Laya-, Raja- and Tantra-yoga and make an enumeration of various exercises and rituals practiced by the different sects and place them in the system, claiming that each particular exercise belongs to a special kind of yoga which has its own way of achievement...

My original intention was to write about all the exercises practiced by most sadhu sects, but as is a lifetime's work, I had to narrow the topic down to two types of yoga - hatha-yoga and tantra-yoga - mainly practiced by most saiva sects.


In considering the hatha-yoga exercises in addition to the traditional philosophical explanations, I write about how to cleanse the body (satkarma); about different postures and ways of concentrating (asana & mudra); about withdrawing the senses (pratyahara); and activating the subtle energy systems (pranayama & nadicakra).

In connection with the tantra-yoga exercises in addition to the traditional philosophical explanations, I write about mastering pleasure (sukha bhoga); mastering ecstasy (cakra-puja & panca-makara); and mastering magical powers (siddhi). I take some time on writing about the traditional usage of psychedelic drugs in the sadhu tradition and on the nature of sexual intercourse as a religious practice.



Here is the outline of my thesis-paper:


The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra

    Introduction: The Hindu Tantra

    I. The origins of Hindu religion: TANTRA

  • The development of tantrism

  • The followers of Tantra (non-orthodox Hindu sects)

  1. Ascetics (sramana, muni, sadhu, yogi, siddha, tantrika)

  2. Hermits (sanyasi, saiva and vaisnava)

  3. Bhakti (alvar, lingayat)

  4. Buddhist sangha (sthavira vada, maha sanghika)

  5. Jain gana (digambara, svetambara

  6. Gurus (Radnyis, Maharisi, Muktananda, Sai Baba, Prabhupada)

    II. The tantric way of life: YOGA

  • Lifestyle

  • Practice - The System of Yoga

  • Hatha-yoga

  1. Satkarma

  2. Asana & Mudra

  3. Pratyahara

  4. Pranayama & nadi-cakra-abhyasa

  • Tantra-yoga

  1. Sukha-yoga (bhoga)

  2. Cakra-puja (panca-makara

  3. Siddha-yoga (siddhi)

  • Glossary

  • Bibliography


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