Dee Gragg
A Simple Explanation of UFOs
2005, 2006 and 2007 by C. D. Gragg

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been with us for a long time, perhaps a very long time. However, they have only been a significant part of our language and culture for the last 60 years.
In our recent past, during World War II, they were known by pilots as "Foo Fighters". After the war, beginning for the most part during 1947, they became so common as to be a national obsession. They were seen all over the world. We were all mystified.
Then, in 1947, a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. For a very short time it appeared that we would finally understand what they were. There was an excitement that extended worldwide, until the federal government slammed down what I call the Extraterrestrial Curtain. The government then began a policy of denial, cover-up and secrecy that exists to this day.
But the UFOs didn't go away. They were still sighted worldwide on a regular basis. Our interest didn't go away either. A small number of dedicated researchers began to poke a few holes in the Extraterrestrial Curtain. As the years went by they discovered a large number of eyewitnesses and participants in the Roswell crash.
Prior to 1997 the city of Roswell decided to hold a 50 year celebration of the crash. They invited speakers and authors to give a symposium. The government saw that their position on Roswell was about to become completely inoperable.
So, in order to preempt the symposium they issued a new position. Basically it said, "Well actually we've been lying to you for the last 50 years, but now we're going to tell you the truth. That wasn't a weather balloon at Roswell after all; it was a series of balloons, the Top Secret Project Mogul."
However, by this time, it was too late. UFO researchers already knew too much about Roswell. Project Mogul made no more sense than the weather balloon story. The government refused to produce anything more creditable.
That hasn't changed much. The government is still denying everything that is known about UFOs. They claim that they can all be explained away or at least if they cannot, they are no threat to national security. But the government's credibility continues to erode as more researchers continue to poke larger holes in the curtain.

Early History
There are many historical paintings, drawings, cave art etc. that have images that resemble modern day sightings and photos of today's UFOs. These images are thousands of years old. Unfortunately, they have no narrative to tell us what the originator was drawing. Were they UFOs? Could be, but there is no way to be certain.
The scope of this report is to deal with only modern day UFO sightings. I have arbitrarily defined "modern day" as World War II to the present. We will deal only with those eye witness reports and documents which we can verify from the literature of the field. You can determine which part of the literature by referring to the references at the end of the report.

Modern Day
During WWII many of our pilots had Balls of Light (BOLs) flying with them just out side their aircraft. The BOLs had no trouble in keeping up with the aircraft or in following their maneuvers no matter how severe. They were typically about the size of basketballs or a little larger and usually orange in color. Our pilots called them "Foo Fighters".
Our pilots were quite apprehensive of them and considered that they might be secret weapons of the Germans or Japanese. After the war we found that both the German and Japanese pilots also had BOLs flying with them. They were equally frightened of them because they thought them to be American secret weapons.
They were not secret weapons for either side and as far as is known they caused no harm to any crew or aircraft. Indeed, they were our first modern day UFOs. Even today they still remain unidentified.
In 1947 large numbers of UFOs were being seen by increasingly large numbers of people. By early July 1947 UFO researcher Stan Friedman reported that more than 1,500 sightings had been made in the United States, Canada and the rest of the world1. Note: The superscripted numbers refer to references at the end of the report. They were becoming a national obsession and concern. Further, they were more than Foo Fighters; they were large saucer shaped vehicles.
On June 24, 1947 Oregon businessman Kenneth Arnold sighted a formation of nine saucer-like aircraft. He estimated their speed by timing how long it took to fly known distances from one mountain peak to another. They were flying at an incredible speed of approximately 1,200 miles per hour [2] . That was about twice the speed that any known aircraft could fly at that time.
From Arnold's words "saucer-like" East Oregonian reporter Bill Bequette coined the name "flying saucers". The name stuck and is still with us today, although not in common use. During the Roswell incident the term disc was also used.
However, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is more descriptive since it includes all shapes. Presently MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) recognizes 20 shapes which are often reported [3] . The most common are sphere, disc, circle, oval, star-like, and triangle. Large mother ships are often reported as cigar shaped.

Roswell, The Incident
There would probably be little known today of the Roswell incident except for a few tireless researchers. Their books are the authoritative word on this subject.
In 1980 William L. Moore and Charles Berlitz wrote "The Roswell Incident" [4] based on Moore's and Stanton Friedman's research. Moore and Friedman continued their research, interviewing more than 90 persons -- 30 of whom were direct participants. From this research came another book, this time by Stanton Friedman, "Crash at Corona" [5].
In the late 1980s Donald R. Schmitt, and Kevin D. Randle began an independent investigation. Through extensive archival research and interviews with some 500 persons they added considerably to the body of knowledge about Roswell and published "UFO Crash at Roswell [6]" and "The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell". [8]
It was a dark and stormy night (with apologies to Snoopy) on the Fourth of July, 1947 in southern New Mexico. For several weeks UFOs had been sighted over New Mexico. On July 4, radars at White Sands Proving Grounds, Alamogordo Army Air Field, and Roswell Army Air Field had been tracking a strange object. It seemed to pulsate, then enlarge and brightened, then dimmed and shrunk and finally blossomed into a sunburst and disappeared from the radar screens at about 11:20 P.M.
Unfortunately, there were mountains between the radars and where the object had disappeared. This made triangulation (to determine the location of the object) only an approximation. Undaunted, the Army went looking for it at sunrise.
They were not the first to arrive. James Ragsdale and his girl friend Trudy Truelove were camping near-by and had heard the crash [9]. They found it that night and looked at it by flashlight. There was a large hole in the UFO with three dead Extraterrestrials (ETs) lying outside. The ETs had some human-like features which have resulted in our calling them humanoids.
The next morning archaeologist, Professor William Holden and his archaeology students found the crash. They had also heard it crash during the night and had gone looking for it. They saw the UFO and the three dead humanoids and through a hole in the side of the vehicle they saw a fourth dead humanoid inside.
Ragsdale and Truelove came back the next morning and arrived after the archeologists had left. They had intended to look at the craft up close in the daylight but were scared back by the sound of approaching Army vehicles. They hid in the trees and bushes and watched the Army as it took over the scene.
Provost Marshal Major Edwin Easley stationed his MPs around the crash site. They were told to face out so that they could not see the recovery team at work.
On the ground near the crashed saucer (also called disc) were three small humanoids. There were two other humanoids inside the craft. All were dead. The crashed disc was twenty-five to thirty feet long and twelve to fifteen feet high.
The Army retrieved and loaded up the UFO. Its occupants were recovered by Sandia ground personnel. Four of the Sandia ground crew were contaminated. Three died immediately and the status of the fourth is unknown [10] . Several of the MPs suffered nervous breakdowns resulting in one committing suicide.
The UFO and occupants were taken first to Hanger 84 at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF). After proper packaging, the next day they were flown first to Washington D. C. then to Wright Army Air Field (WAAF) at Dayton, Ohio.
The world almost certainly would never have heard of this incident except for one detail the Army didn't yet know about. Before the UFO had come to rest where the Army had found it, it had had a skidding impact about six miles north of its final impact point. (See Figure 1.) This detail would cause the Army much grief in the coming days and years as they sought desperately to cover-up the crash.
Ranch foreman Mac Brazel had also heard a crash in the night. When he and a neighbor boy, seven-year-old Dee Proctor headed out the next morning to tend the sheep, they found the cause. There was an impact area about 1,000 feet long by 300 feet wide which contained a large number of small pieces of debris.
Mac had found the first impact point. Albeit, he didn't know what he had found nor even a glimmer of its importance.
The debris was quite unlike anything Mac had ever seen before. There was foil which looked like aluminum but wasn't. There were pieces of I-beams which were as light as balsa wood but appeared to be some sort of metal. On the I-beams there were mysterious characters which looked like hieroglyphics.
They picked up some of the pieces and took them along when Mac drove Dee back to his parents' house. There they found that the foil could be easily wrinkled but when released it immediately returned to its original shape without a crease. The I-beams, even though extremely light, could not be cut with a knife nor dented with a sledge hammer nor burned in a fire.
The next day, Mac took the material with him when he went into Roswell where he showed it to Sheriff George Wilcox. Sheriff Wilcox who was mindful of the large number of sightings of flying saucers thought it might be of interest to the military. Mac called Roswell Army Air Field where he talked to the Base Intelligence Officer, Major Jesse Marcel.
Major Marcel reported the find back to the Base Commander Col. William H. Blanchard. Blanchard was intrigued and sent Marcel and Counter Intelligence Corps Captain Sheridan Cavitt to investigate the crash site. They returned the next night separately. Cavitt brought back a carryall full of debris.
Marcel returned with a staff car full of debris. Most significantly he decided to drop by his house to show his wife and eleven-year old son Jesse Marcel Jr. the flying saucer they had found. Jesse Jr. is still alive today and remembers the hieroglyphics on the material [11], [12] .
The next morning Marcel took the debris to Col. Blanchard. An examination of the debris prompted Col. Blanchard to tell the Public Information Officer, First Lieutenant Walter Haut to make a press release. He did and this is how the world first learned of the recovery of a flying disc!
Col. Blanchard's boss, Brig. General Roger Ramey, Commander of the 8th Air Force at Fort Worth Army Air Field (FWAAF), directed him to send Major Marcel and some of the debris to Fort Worth. Blanchard sent Marcel and a B-29 full of debris as soon as a flight could be arranged.

Roswell, The Cover-up Begins
On arriving at Forth Worth, Major Marcel with a small amount of the debris was taken directly to Gen. Ramey. Gen. Ramey told Marcel that he would like to see exactly where the disc had crashed. Marcel left the UFO debris on Gen. Ramey's desk and went with him to the map room.
When they returned, Major Marcel was amazed to see that the UFO debris was gone from the desk and weather balloon debris was spread out on the floor [13] . It may well have been the debris from the balloon chain of Top Secret Project Mogul. Fifty years later when the Air Force said actually we lied about the debris being a weather balloon it was really Project Mogul. They were probably randomly telling the truth!
The UFO debris was gone from the desk and in its place on the floor was the debris (probably from Project Mogul) which Gen. Ramey said was a weather balloon. This is almost comical when you consider that at that time there was in Gen Ramey's hand a telex telling about "victims" and the "disk".
Gen. Ramey and Major Marcel posed for photos with the debris; then Gen. Ramey proclaimed to the press that it was all a mistake. There was no flying saucer; it was only a weather balloon. Major Marcel was sent back to Roswell with direct orders to keep his mouth shut.
At the time the photograph of Gen Ramey was shot, the telex message was completely unreadable. However, with advances in photo enlargement and computer enhancement, Dr David Rudiak was able to read most of the message [14] . In particular two key phrases "AND THE VICTIMS OF THE WRECK" and "IN THE DISC THEY WILL SHIP" were quite clear.
What does all this mean? Roswell was the elite of the elite army air fields. It trained the crew and owned and maintained the aircraft used to bomb Hiroshima. It was indeed the only air field in the entire world where an aircraft could take off for bombing with a nuclear weapon.
Is it possible that the Base Commander, the Base Intelligence Officer and the Counter Intelligence Officer would all be so clueless as to not recognize a weather balloon? Had the Air Force truly sent its dumbest and dimmest to man these vital positions at such an elite base?
You're probably wondering why Major Marcel didn't just call Gen. Ramey's attention to the fact that the UFO debris had been switched out. However, you wouldn't if you're a Major and hoped to be a Lt. Col. someday. That would not have been very intelligent and Major Marcel was after all the Base Intelligence Officer! Pun intended.
Meanwhile back at the ranch (actually Roswell) rancher Mac Brazel had been taken into custody by the Army. While in custody friends said he was always accompanied by an Army officer. Though previously friendly and outgoing, when they saw him on the street he would neither speak nor look at them.
After about a week the Army released him. He then completely denied his previous story of finding a flying saucer. He even changed the date he said he found the debris. A new date was necessary to match-up with a previous balloon launch date.
After his release Mac never talked with anyone about the incident. But almost immediately he showed up in Roswell driving a brand new pick-up truck. Shortly, after that he bought a meat locker in Alamogordo though previously he never had two nickels to rub together [15] . But, friends also said that Mac would never have sold out.

Truman's Dilemma
President Truman faced many challenges, dropping the atomic bomb, the Korean War, the Cold War, etc. but probably none more important than what to do about the UFOs. They were everywhere. Hundreds of sightings were being reported all over the United States. The newspapers were full of the accounts.
The flying saucers completely outclassed any aircraft we possessed. They were computed from radar to be able to fly 3,000 mph. They could make right turns, hover, fly straight up and disappear and reappear at will. Curiously they had no wings or tail and could exceed the sound barrier without making a sound. Their technology clearly exceeded ours by hundreds if not thousands of years.
Even though they apparently could have destroyed or enslaved us, they appeared to have no intension of doing so. They were only dangerous when we decided to shoot them down. However, we lost so many planes and pilots trying to shoot them down that Truman had to rescind his order to do so [16].
After the UFO crash at Roswell, he now had to deal with not only a flying saucer but five dead, humanoid crew members. All had been seen by a large number of both civilian and military personnel. Would they keep quiet? Dare he tell the American people where we stood on this problem?
For any clue as to his thinking during this momentous time, I have searched his memoirs [17] , read his diary for 1947 [18], and studied a hilarious book of letters he wrote but never mailed [19]. I even made a trip to the Truman Presidential Library in Independence Missouri to search recently declassified papers but found nothing there [20]. There was a lot of other interesting stuff, but it will have to wait for another time.
In studying Truman's memoirs, I found a peculiarity with two of his closest advisors, Vannevar Bush and James Forrestal. In the index Bush is listed, among other places, as on pages 527 and 536 and Forrestal on pages 526, 544 and 553. This is strange because the text ends at page 521. These pages do not exist. Obviously, the book was shortened at some time. This left me to wonder if the part I would like to read was the part that shortened the book.
The only thing even resembling a clue was in his diary. All entries from July 6, probably the day he first learned about Roswell, to July 22 were deleted. That doesn't of itself prove anything and only leaves one to muse about the fiery things he might have said about flying saucers that didn't make it past the censors.
Truman and his advisors probably were influenced by the War of the Worlds broadcast. It seems long ago now, but 1947 was only 9 years after this broadcast. That was when Orson Wells did a radio "news report" using material from H. G. Wells' book, War of the Worlds.
Even though Orson did a disclaimer before and after the broadcast, his account of Martians invading the earth was so real that it caused wide spread panic across America. The ease, with which panic was created, without even meaning to, greatly concerned Truman's advisors, Bush and Forrestal.
Further, there were questions about the world political structure [21]. Would the public trust be eroded? Would the certainty of scientific knowledge be questioned? Could the inability of the Armed Forces to protect National Security cause public fear and disorder? Would the financial, industrial, and religious institutions survive? Would there be anarchy in the streets?
Finally, they persuaded him to a policy of secrecy and denial. An order was sent to all governmental agencies to stop communicating UFO information to the press. All sightings by private citizens were to be explained as hoaxes, mass hysteria, or due to natural events. Anyone attempting to convey serious information on UFOs was to be discredited and ridiculed. The policy was an outstanding success and continues in force to this day.
So how do we continue to get UFO information? The information is still available to the serious researcher willing to dig for it. I have explained the various methods in the section Holes in the Extraterrestrial Curtain.

Magdalena and Aztec
Roswell is the best known and most widely reported of all UFO crash sites. However, Mr. Ryan Wood has documented a total of 74 UFO crashes in his book MAJIC Eyes Only [22]. Eleven of those have occurred in New Mexico.
Besides Roswell the New Mexico crash sites of Magdalena and Aztec should be mentioned. They have been less reported and are consequently less well known than Roswell.
The Magdalena crash occurred on the Plains of San Agustin near the small town of Magdalena, New Mexico. It occurred just after the crash at Roswell. It is reported by Stan Friedman as the second crash in his book Crash at Corona 5.
The UFO was a silver, saucer-shaped object. It had an 8 to 10 foot gash about 3 feet wide running from the edge of the saucer to the top of the dome. There were three crew members laid out under the edge of the saucer and one sitting up. It appeared that two were dead, the third almost and the fourth one was injured. As with Roswell, when the Army arrived civilian involvement became severely restricted.
The second crash occurred March 25, 1948 in the four corners area near Aztec, New Mexico. Mr. Scott Ramsey has spent 19 years researching this crash [23]. Scott has traveled to 29 states and interviewed 60 first and second hand witnesses.
He has been able to identify the concrete slab which the military poured. The concrete slab was necessary to support the crane used to lift the UFO. Additionally, Scott has spent hundreds of hours at the crash site on Hart Canyon Road to assist his research in authenticating this crash.

Project Bluebook
Project Bluebook began life as Project Sign [24]. Project Sign was established on December 30, 1947 by Major General L. C. Craigie, Director of Research and Development. Its purpose was to collect, collate, evaluate and distribute to interested government agencies and contractors all information concerning sightings and phenomena in the atmosphere which may to be of concern to the national security.
The Project Sign personnel did their work well. In August, 1948, the Technical Intelligence Division and Project Sign made a formal Estimate of the Situation. The Estimate was a Top Secret document that contained unexplained sightings by pilots, scientists, and other reliable witnesses. The report concluded that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin.
The Estimate of the Situation was rejected by Air Force Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenburg. This was not what he wanted to hear even in a Top Secret document. He ordered all copies of the Estimate to be collected and destroyed. The morale and enthusiasm of the Project Sign personnel declined sharply.
In February, 1949, Project Sign came to an end and with it the Air Force's objective attitude toward UFOs. The final report of Project Sign was skeptical about extraterrestrial origins. It concluded that all sightings were misidentifications of natural phenomena.
However, the Air Force secretly changed the name of the project to Project Grudge [25]. The new name brought with it a change in policy and a campaign to characterize anyone who believed UFOs were extraterrestrial as "kooks". The Air Force reflected the view that "flying saucers" didn't exist and that any sightings could be explained.
Secretly, the Air Force was as concerned as ever about UFOs. But now they did all true research in the cover-up mode. The researchers probably began reporting to the newly formed Above Top Secret "Operation Majestic Twelve". Majestic Twelve will be discussed in the next section.
On December 27, 1949 Project Grudge was "officially closed". However it didn't really close, it just reduced funding. In 1951 it was taken over by Captain Edward Ruppelt and renamed Project Bluebook [26]. It began as an attempt to study and inform the government and the American people about UFOs.
Ruppelt took the task seriously. He reorganized, speeded the reporting, established liaisons, and contracted an astronomer, Dr. J. Allen Hynek. In 1952 an interesting thing happened. There was a major wave of more than 288 UFO sightings in the United States [27]. After this increase in sightings, clearance was given for all intelligence officers at all U.S. Air Force bases to send reports directly to Bluebook by teletype [26].
Now, the CIA got involved because it was fearful that we or the Russians might mistake these multiple sightings for hostile missiles. We might get either a false positive or a false negative; that is we might believe we were being attacked when we were not or we might believe we were not being attacked when we were.
The CIA assembled the Robertson Panel which stated that UFOs were not a direct threat to U.S. security. Further, the Panel recommended a policy of debunking UFO sightings in order to quell the growing public preoccupation with the phenomenon.
The disinformation of the Robertson Panel dampened military and government enthusiasm for the study of UFOs. Captain Ruppelt left active duty and was replaced by Airman First Class Max Futch.
Further, order JANAP-146 made the reporting of UFOs by military personnel a National Security Issue, with possible prosecution for its violation. The Air Force was publicly debunking UFOs, while privately drawing a veil of secrecy around their investigations. This is what I have been calling the Extraterrestrial Curtain.
Bluebook continued as a sham. It often leaped to absurd conclusions as it tried to explain every sighting as ordinary phenomena. Eventually the Air Force tired of this task. They tried to give Bluebook to NASA but NASA was much too astute to bite.
Finally, the Air Force contracted with the University of Colorado to do a study to bail them out. The study was the Condon Committee. Shortly after the study began, Dr. Condon gave a speech. In it he stated, "It is my inclination right now to recommend that the government get out of this business". My attitude right now is that there's nothing to it. …but I'm not supposed to reach a conclusion for another year."
Finally, at the study's end he did reach this conclusion. So, with Condon's help the Air Force was finally able to close Project Bluebook and get out of the official, public UFO business.

Majestic Twelve
In December 1984 a roll of undeveloped black-and-white 35mm film was received by Jaime Shandera at his home in Burbank, California1. It arrived in a double-wrapped plain brown envelope with no return address and an Albuquerque, New Mexico post mark.
When the film was developed, there were duplicate sets of eight pages of documents which were classified TOP SECRET/MAJIC. The title page declared "Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12 Prepared for President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower Eyes Only 18 November, 1952."
The second page listed the twelve members of the Majestic-12 Group. They were:
Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
Dr. Vannevar Bush
Secy. James V. Forrestal
Gen. Nathan F. Twining
Gen. Hoyt. S. Vandenberg
Dr. Detlev Bronk
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Mr. Sidney W. Souers
Mr. Gordon Gray
Dr. Donald Menzel
Gen. Robert M. Montague
Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner
There will be more about several of these men later in this section.
The documents contained a summary of businessman Kenneth Arnold's sighting of a formation of nine saucer-like aircraft flying at a speed of about 1,200 miles an hour. It told of the mass sightings and the near hysteria of the public.
The documents contained a summary of the Roswell Incident, the recovery of the craft and human-like beings. This included their disposition and the cover-up which they began at that time.
There were several telling statements such as: "Since it is virtually certain that these craft do not originate in any country on earth", considerable speculation had centered on what their point of origin might be and how they got here. Mars was considered a possibility, although some scientists, most notably Dr. Menzel, considered it more likely that we are dealing with beings from another solar system entirely.
A need for as much additional information as possible about these craft, their performance characteristics and their purpose led to the undertaking known as U.S. Air Force Project Sign in December 1947. (See Project Sign in the preceding section.) In order to preserve security, liaison between Sign and Majestic-12 was limited to two individuals. (Most of the people in Project Sign were unaware of Majestic-12. It was a cover-up within a cover-up.)
Now back to the list of members. You remember Dr. Vannevar Bush and
Secy. James Forrestal. They were President Truman's close advisors who persuaded him to a policy of secrecy and denial.
You also remember Air Force Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenburg.
He rejected the Estimate of the Situation because the report concluded that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. He also ordered all copies of the Estimate to be destroyed. We'll get to Dr. Donald Menzel in a moment.
After Jaime Shandera developed the film, he called in friends and UFO researchers Bill Moore and Stan Friedman. They helped to evaluate the information and most of all to determine if the documents were legitimate.
It would not be the first or last time that hoaxers had tried to fool the researchers. It also might be a government plant that they could use as a "gotcha" at a later date.
Friedman made an exhaustive study resulting in the book TOP SECRET/MAJIC1 and two reports which he published to the world [28], [29]. Here's his conclusion. "The bottom line is that the documents must therefore be considered genuine and that a small group within the U.S. government has managed to withhold from the people of Planet Earth the proof that man is not alone".
Dr. Donald Menzel was also on the list. He was well known in ufological circles as a total skeptic. He had even written three skeptical books [30], [31], [32]. Yet here he was on the group which controlled all government UFO research and answered only to the President of the United States.
How could a Harvard professor of Astronomy, a total skeptic, be a part of this elite group? Friedman dug in [1]!
He found that Menzel had been doing highly classified consulting work for a number of agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA). He had a 30 years association with the NSA and its predecessor U.S. Navy agency. He had connections with the CIA, the military and Vannevar Bush. He also held a Top Secret Ultra clearance.
He had learned the Japanese language during WWII and would presumably be good at deciphering the alien hieroglyphics. He was perhaps the best suited of the entire MJ-12 group to give disinformation to the America people.
In March 1994, Don Berliner received a 35mm roll of film in the mail much as Jaime Shandera had 10 years before. It also arrived in a plain envelope with no return address but was postmarked from Wisconsin.
When the film was developed it contained a document titled: "Majestic-12 Special Operations Manual: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology Recovery and Disposal". (Remember entities is a general word for humanoids or ETs.) It was marked TOP SECRET/MAJIC Eyes Only and dated April 1954.
In its contents were descriptions of UFO vehicles and the humanoid occupants. Both of these will be covered in following sections. So I will not detail them here.
The material described in the manual was not like anything seen on earth. The structural beams were extremely light in weight but stronger than our finest steel. Some of the beams contained undecipherable hieroglyphics. The vehicle skin had the appearance of aluminum foil but was extremely strong and light weight.
The manual also described a press blackout. The press blackout suggested three types of cover stories:
a. Official Denial. Nothing unusual happened. The government has no knowledge.
b. Discredit Witnesses. If witnesses have contacted the press, claim they have misinterpreted natural events, are the victims of hysteria or hallucinations or are the perpetrators of hoaxes.
c. Deceptive Statements. Issue false statements to preserve the security of the site. Say they were meteors, downed satellites, balloons or whatever. A report of a toxic spill also makes a good cover.
Other sections had to do with packaging and packing and handling of the material. Great care must be made to ensure the survival of any living entities. But most important is the policy that no agency of the federal government is engaged in any study of extraterrestrials or their artifacts.

Significant Research (You Should Know About)
This is by no means a complete list of all the significant research of the past or present. It does represent some minimum knowledge you should have as a student of UFOs.

Phoenix Lights
Close to us in both time and distance were the Phoenix lights. An excellent book, called appropriately, The Phoenix Lights has been written by Dr. Lynne Kitei [33].
On March 13, 1997 seven UFOs flew across Arizona from north to south and back again. They were seen by thousands of people but no sound was heard by anyone. They were in the shape of a boomerang and had bright red-orange lights. They stayed in perfect formation at all times and some saw them as one huge, dark UFO with seven lights estimated to be 700 feet long.
When contacted by concerned citizens, the governor of Arizona, the mayor of Phoenix, and the FAA were all distinctly not interested. The Air Force finally offered that it was probably A-10s dropping flares! Of course, flares from an A-10 would go down not up and besides they don't fly the length of a state and back.
This is an on-going, unsolved, mystery. To further explore this incident, Dr. Lynne has produced the Phoenix Lights Documentary which she was kind enough to do the premier screening for us at the International Symposium in Denver [34].

Military UFO Encounters
Mr. Richard Dolan has completed a monumental task of researching 285 encounters between the military and UFOs [35]. The encounters were with 244 American UFOs and 41 non-American UFOs. He believes these encounters are probably only a fraction of the true number.
His recorded encounters took place from September 1941 through October 1973. Many had both a visual and a radar encounter. There were eleven air space violations, principally over nuclear facilities such as the Oak Ridge Nuclear Facility in Tennessee.
How did we fare here at home? Of the 244 American encounters there were 28 in New Mexico. Two were in Alamogordo, one was at Holloman AFB, and 11 others were over White Sands. So we had half of them right here in our local area.
You're probably wondering if the encounters stopped after 1973. No, of course not. In answer to my question (and 60 other people's) at the Denver Symposium, Mr. Dolan expects to have Volume 2 out in about a year. It will cover from 1973 to the present. That should be a must read for all ufologists!

Landing Sites
For the naysayers who demand show me the evidence, Ted Phillips has lots of it! He has compiled files containing 3,091 physical trace reports from 91 countries over a period of 36 years [36]. These are reports where creditable witnesses claim to have observed the landing or near landing of unknown objects and includes traces of those landings.
Physical traces associated with UFOs are not always effects on soil and plants in the immediate area of the observed object [37]. UFOs have generated substantial damage on vehicles during close approaches.
A number of reports show paint color drastically changed and in some instances bubbled and ruined. Several instances include setting the observers' vehicles on fire, destroying them. Mr. Phillip's files show 22 cases of vehicle levitation. One of them blew an otherwise good tire when the UFO dropped it back on to the road!
There are a number of reports in which an unidentified flying object actually collided with a vehicle, leaving behind considerable physical traces [38]. In an automobile in Texas three ladies watched a bowling ball size UFO hit the roof of their car. The roof was dented and paint was knocked off the car.
Mr. Phillips reported that in 731 of the physical trace events, there was an observation of occupants [39]. They varied in size from quite small with a height of a five-year-child to a height of more than 7 and one-half feet. Most had no contact with the observers but one paralyzed a farmer's hand for life.

Dr. James McDonald
Dr. James McDonald was the Senior Physicist and Professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona. He put his professional reputation squarely on the line when he decided to investigate UFOs. He began his investigation in 1966 when work of this type was typically ridiculed. He reported the results to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics in a statement on July 29, 1968 [40].
Dr. McDonald took the major skeptics' questions and answered them with eye-witness cases from the literature of the field. Following are the questions and his answers from the eye-witness cases.
Ans. They do. He cited 8 cases, but could have cited many more.
Ans. `Multiple-witness UFO cases are impressively numerous. He again cited 8 cases but could have cited many more.
Ans. While non-urban reports are definitely more numerous, urban reports do indeed exist. Five cases cited. It is interesting to note that some 30 years later, the "Phoenix Lights" flew over Dr. McDonald's home in Tucson where they were seen by thousands of observers.
Ans. Astronomers have seen unidentified flying objects. He points out that their overwhelming fear of publicity keeps them from talking. Nevertheless he points out seven cases where they did. Remember Dr. McDonald investigated UFOs when investigating UFOs wasn't cool. (Is it yet?)
Ans. Meteorologists do see UFOs. Five cases cited.
Ans. Many "balloon" cases are mislabeled. It is a quick and easy way to dispose of otherwise difficult to explain cases.
Ans. UFOs are at times seen on radar and have been so seen for many years. Six cases cited.
Ans. We ought to have more valid UFO photos than the small number of which I am aware. Four cases cited.
Ans. Tingling and numbness have been repeatedly described by witnesses who were close to UFOs. In many instances outright paralysis of UFO witnesses has occurred. I have encountered cases where severe bodily damage was done, or where there was evidence of damage, yet the witness and his family found ridicule mounting so much faster than sympathy that it was regarded wiser to quietly forget the whole thing.
`Ans. In my own investigative experience, I know of only two cases of injuries suffered under what might be describable as overt hostility.

UFO Vehicles
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) began life being called saucers but the military quickly switched to calling them discs. Neither quite fit as the vehicles came in a variety of shapes.
Presently MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) recognizes 20 shapes which are often reported3. The most common are sphere, disc, circle, oval, star-like, cigar and triangle.
Their sizes range from the basketball sized Foo Fighters to "That son-of-a-bitch is a mile long!" 33. The cigar shaped UFOs are usually quite large and some believe that they are carriers or mother ships for the smaller vehicles.
They come in all colors, but "silvery" seems to be the predominant color reported. Often they have lights of all different colors which are said to glow. Some have a spotlight which has been used in close encounters of the second and third kind. (The next section will discuss encounters.)
Their performance is out-of-this-world, literally. They are capable of speeds of at least 6,000 miles per hour. They can hover, fly straight up, turn at right angles at full speed and disappear and then reappear. They obviously have mastered antigravity or they could not make such turns without destroying themselves.
They often are completely silent. They can break the sound barrier without making a sound! They usually make a noise only under maximum performance.
Their armament is such that they can disintegrate one of our aircraft at will. However, it seems that they prefer not to do this. In recent encounters when our chase planes have tried to close in for a good look the UFOs have either disappeared or have run off and left our aircraft in their dust. (That's cosmic dust of course.)

In an analysis of the occupants of the Roswell UFO, Dr. Bronk's team suggested the term Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) be adopted as the standard term of reference for these creatures until such time as a more definitive designation can be agreed upon [41]. No other designation has been made and this awkward mouthful has been shortened by the media to ETs and by the ufological community to EBEs or entities.
From the many descriptions one may encounter of EBEs I believe these three are the most authoritative. They are: MUFON Field Investigator's Manual [42], Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual [43], and the autopsies of the ETs killed during the crash at Roswell [7].
MUFON Field Investigator's Manual [42]
The Field Investigator's Manual divides the ETs by height. The three types are:
Dwarfs are about 3 ½ feet in height. They have large heads with large round eyes (bug eyed). They have disproportionately long arms. They are seen singly or in pairs.
Normals are five to six feet in height. They sometimes have horizontally oval or slanted eyes. They look similar to humans except for their shorter stature and less pronounced noses, mouths and ears. They tend to cluster in groups of three or more.
Giants are seven to eight feet in height. The characteristics of this group are unclear but have been reported as very ugly.
Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual [43]
The manual describes ETs as Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) and gives two categories as Type I and Type II.
EBE Type Is are five feet to five feet and four inches in height and weigh 80 to 100 pounds. Proportionally they are similar to humans. The skin is a pale chalky-yellow and pebbled in appearance. The eyes are small, almond shaped and wide-set. The ears are small and high on the head. The nose is thin and long. The month is wider than in humans, and nearly lipless. The hands are small, with four long fingers but no opposable thumb.
EBE Type IIs are three feet and five inches to four feet and two inches in height and weight 25 to 50 pounds. Proportionally the head is much larger than humans or EBE Type Is. The skin is a pale bluish-gray and is very smooth and fine grained. The eyes are very large, slanted, and nearly wrap around the side of the skull. The nose consists of two small slits which sit high above the slit-like mouth. There are no external ears. The arms are long in proportion to the legs. The hands have three long, tapering fingers and a thumb.
Autopsies of ETs Killed at Roswell [7]
They were three feet and six inches to four feet and six inches in height and weighted about 40 pounds. The head was larger than a human head. The skin which can be beige, tan, brown, or pinkish gray was leathery and beaded. They had large round eyes. The mouth was a small slit and did not function either for communication or food intake. The arms were long and thin and the hands reached close to the knees. They had four fingers and no thumb. There were no apparent reproductive organs and no genitalia. No food or water intake was apparent and there was no digestive system or GI tract.
Wow, what scientific progress! No sex and no T-bone steaks and ice cream. Okay, okay, I'll get back to the serious stuff.
ETs are definitely dangerous. They are not cute little guys that it would be cool to hang out with. They have been known to both blind and paralyze a witness [44]. Tingling and numbness have been described by witnesses who were close to a UFO. In many instances outright paralysis of a UFO witness has occurred.
The MUFON Field Investigators Manual lists the following types of injuries reported [45]: Feeling of heat or field effects; pain, headache; marks on skin; burns (first, second, and third degree); lumps; growths; sores; loss of appetite; diarrhea; lethargy; eye problems; hair loss/gain; psychological problems; and paranormal effects.
While we are at it, let's talk about close encounters. There are four kinds. You already knew about the third kind, but did you ever wonder what happened to the first two.
Close encounters of the first kind.
Those are where a witness(s) sees a UFO.
Close encounters of the second kind.
Those are where a UFO has landed or is hovering a few feet above the ground. Humanoids may or may not be seen through port holes or outside the UFO.
Close encounters of the third kind.
Those are where there is an interaction between the witness(s) and the humanoids. This also includes where the UFO is hovering over a car top. This usually causes electrical problems with the car.
Close encounters of the fourth kind.
Those are when the witness(s) has been abducted. We'll look at that in detail in the next section.

All modern day abduction experiences seem to start with Barney and Betty Hill. The night of September 19, 1961 Barney and Betty Hill were driving home through New Hampshire35. They were driving south on U.S. Route 3 and the time was about 10:00P.M.
Prior to their abduction they began to feel an odd tingling sensation and a drowsiness overcame them. After their abduction they were returned to the car which was still moving and Barney was still driving. They did not yet realize what had happened to them nor that they had lost two hours of time.
Some days later Betty began having strange nightmares involving 'aliens' [46]. Both were hypnotized by Dr. Benjamin Simon. Both told of being taken aboard the UFO.
Aboard the UFO Barney had his semen extracted, scrapings taken from his left arm and a cylindrical device inserted up his rectum [35]. Betty had scrapings taken from her skin, and samples taken from her hair and finger nails. Then a "pregnancy test" was conducted on Betty by sticking a needle in her navel.
Many similar incidents have been repeatedly reported since that time. The MUFON Field Investigator's Manual reports 2,700 sightings of entities since 1947 [42]. About 15% of known entity cases are those where the witness(s) is alleged to have been taken on board a craft.
Budd Hopkins is a world-renowned, pioneer UFO abduction researcher. He has investigated well over 700 abduction cases and now heads the Intruders Foundation, a nonprofit, scientific research and support organization [47].
Abduction is a terrifying experience. Imagine yourself lying on a bed, completely nude and paralyzed but completely conscious with little humanoids making experiments on your body. The humanoids try to erase your memory of this experience. However in the cases where they are only partially successful in erasing the memory, the abductee may have post traumatic stress. The abductee often needs extensive psychiatric help.
Why are these abductions being made? The short answer is we don't know. They are interested in examining us of course. Many abductees report semen is taken from the male and an egg from the female. They are mated and humanoid DNA inserted into the fertilized egg and then the egg inserted back into the female. Sometimes the fertilized egg is inserted into another female, either then or at a later time. Are they trying to grow a race of hybrids? Much speculation surrounds this.
Abductees often have computer like chips implanted in them. For what purpose? To keep track of us? To monitor our internal functions? Perhaps time and further research will tell.

The Naysayers
There have always been a group of nonbelievers, often with varying and diverse reasoning. Some have been secretly working for the government and providing disinformation such as Dr. Menzel. Some perhaps try to curry government favor or help.
Some naysayers are probably just contrarians who don't want to be bothered by facts and there are some whose motivation continues to remain murky at best. Naysayers often seem to have a common thread. They have done little if any research and spend most of their time trying to disprove legitimate UFO researchers' work.
One large group of naysayers argues that extraterrestrials are impossible because even the closest stars are too far away. The closest stars are more than 4 light years away. Even if we could travel at the speed of light, it would take too long to make a journey possible.
However, this is a silly argument since it assumes that their technology is as primitive as ours. However, the performance of their vehicles demonstrates that they are hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of us.
Some are determined to follow the government line no matter what distortions and disinformation are required. For example, Peter Jennings lent his good name, his considerable prestige, and talking head expertise to the "UFOs: Seeing is Believing" TV special. This was a program so full of misinformation that it bordered on the absurd.
It was so selectively edited that some of the brightest and best didn't make it at all. For example John Greenewald of Black Vault fame was interviewed on camera for over an hour, but not a single second was shown during the program [48]. This was also true of a number of others.
What a sad way for Jennings to finish such a distinguished journalistic career. Stanton Friedman's home page has an excellent commentary on this media deception.
To the naysayers, whatever your reason, your honest disagreement is welcomed. But don't do your research by proclamation. If you want credibility, name the witnesses you have interviewed, the presidential libraries you have visited, and the Freedom of Information documents you have obtained.

Holes in the Extraterrestrial Curtain
In spite of the government's policy of secrecy and denial, there have always been holes in the Extraterrestrial Curtain. There are many sources of factual information.
Some of them are:
Interviewing witnesses and participants: In spite of government threats there have always been those who would talk. Some will talk on the record and some off.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Sometimes slow and cumbersome, it does work. In the extreme it has taken several researchers up to six years to get information from the CIA. Before you try to get information by FOIA you might want to try John Greenewald's Black Vault [50]. He has more than 300,000 declassified government documents available. That's by far the most in the world.
Presidential libraries: Material is still being declassified. During my recent site visit to the Truman Presidential Library, I was continually amazed at the number of pink cards I found in the folders [20]. A pink card means that a document is being withheld pending possible declassification-even after 60 years.
Slips in security: An Air Force intelligence photocopy of a flying saucer was obtained when somebody in the military forgot to reclassify it as Confidential when the Restricted classification was canceled.
Death/near death bed statements: Major Edwin Easley was the Provost Marshall at Roswell Air Force Base at the time of the crash. As the Provost Marshall, he was in charge of all base security. Just before his death he confirmed both the bodies and the impact site [7].
Information due to position: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell once stated, "I am an American astronaut and a scientist and because of my position, people in high places confide in me. And, as a result, I have no doubt that aliens have visited this planet".
Whistleblowers: Clifford Stone provided a wealth of information about the operation of military UFO crash retrievals [51].
Out of the woodwork: Sometimes after a UFO lecturer has finished and has answered the last questions and turns to leave, someone falls in step and says, "I have something to tell you."
This list is by no means all inclusive, but it should give you an idea where most of the information comes from.

I wish that I could be more optimistic about our government's willingness to give us the straight facts on UFOs. But past experience says that this is most unlikely. And now it will be harder that ever. Consider:
When President Truman set up Operation Majestic Twelve it answered solely to the Office of the President [1]. But something happened along the way.
When President Ronald Reagan asked Vice President George Bush about UFOs and aliens he was told he had no need to know. The President of the United States, the Commander-In-Chief, had no need to know! Presumably, Bush would know this from having previously served as Director of Central Intelligence.
Somewhere between Truman and Reagan the control of UFOs and information about them had passed from an elected official to an unelected somebody, somewhere. So, even if a President of the United States wanted to give the straight facts to the American people, he couldn't because he himself has no need to know! Wouldn't it be interesting to know who decides whether an individual has a need to know?
Will the American people ever get the truth? Probably not through any 'smoking gun'or any of the usual ways of gaining information. One possible way is through hacking into government computers. But this kind of progress can come with a huge price.
Gary McKinnon hacked into various agencies computers off and on for seven years [53]. He is now under arrest in the UK. If he is extradited to the USA he faces up to 70 years in prison.
It probably will be a very long time before we see the Extraterrestrial Curtain torn asunder. Until then we will have to do with the holes we can peck in it.

[1] Friedman, Stanton, T, "Top Secret/Magic", Marlowe & Company, New York, NY, 1996.
[2] East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon, Page 1, June 25, 1947.
[3] Monthly Statistical MUFON Reports, September, October, and November 2006.
[4] Moore William L. and Charles Berlitz, "The Roswell Incident", Grosset & Dunlap, New York, NY, 1980.
[5] Friedman, Stanton, T, and Don Berliner, "Crash At Corona", Paragon House, New York, NY, 1991.
[6] Randle, Kevin D. and Donald R. Schmitt, "UFO Crash at Roswell", Avon Books, 1990.
[7] Randle, Kevin D. and Donald R. Schmitt, "The Truth About The UFO Crash At Roswell", Avon Books, 1994.
[8] Schmitt, Donald R. and Kevin D. Randle, "The Roswell Reporter", Volume 1, No. 1, Hartford, WI, December 1994.
[9] Ragsdale, James, Affidavit in UFO Museum, 114 North Main Street, Roswell, NM, Signed January 27, 1993.
[10] ulles, Allen, Director, CIA, Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary, September 4, 1960. Reprinted in The Majestic Documents, Wood and Wood Enterprises, 1998.
[11] Marcel, Jesse A. Jr., M.D., Affidavit in UFO Museum, 114 North Main Street, Roswell, NM, Signed May 6, 1991.
[12] Marcel, Jesse A. Jr., M.D., Special Program, MUFON 2006 International UFO Symposium, Denver, CO, July 14-16, 2006.
[13] Marcel, Jesse A. Sr., Major, UFO Museum, 114 North Main Street, Roswell, NM, Article, International UFO Reporter, November/December 1990.
[14] Rudiak, Dr. David, Presentation at 8th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium, Aztec, New Mexico, April 1-3, 2005.
[15] Wade, Charley E. (Chuck), Affidavit in UFO Museum, 114 North Main Street, Roswell, NM, Signed May 27, 1997.
[16] Howe, Linda Moulton, "Military Voices: Firsthand Testimonies About Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities", 4th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 10-12, 2006.
[17] Truman, Harry S., "Memoirs by Harry S. Truman, Years of Trial and Hope, 1946-1952, Doubleday & Company, Inc, Garden City, N.Y., 1956.
[18] Harry S. Truman 1947 Diary, Truman Presidential Museum & Library, Independence, MO, 1947.
[19] Poen, Monte M., "Strictly Personal and Confidential, The Letters Harry Truman Never Mailed", Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1982.
[20] Site Visit, Papers of Harry S. Truman, Truman Presidential Museum & Library, Independence, Missouri, September 26-28, 2005.
[21] Truman, Harry, President, Eisenhower Briefing Document, Part IV, Political Considerations, September 24, 1947. Reprinted in The Majestic Documents, Wood and Wood Enterprises, 1998.
[22] Wood, Ryan S., "MAJIC Eyes Only", Wood Enterprises, 2005.
[23] Ramsey, Scott D., Presentation at 36th Annual MUFON Symposium, Denver, Colorado, July 22-24, 2005.
[24], Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, The UFO Casebook by Kevin D. Randle, The UFO Encyclopedia by John Spencer, Watch the Skies by Curtis Peebles.
[25], Science in Default: 22 Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations: a paper by James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, The UFO Casebook by Kevin D. Randle, Watch the Skies by Curtis Peebles, The Truth About Flying Saucers by Aime Michel.
[26], Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, Project Bluebook Exposed by Kevin Randle, The UFO Cover-up by Lawrence Fawcett & Barry J. Greenwood, UFOs Are Real by Sergeant Clifford E. Stone, Watch the Skies by Curtis Peebles.
[27] Hall, Richard, "Radar-Visual UFO Cases in 1952: The UFO Sightings That Shook The Government", Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1994.
[28] Friedman, Stanton T., "Final Report on Operation Majestic 12", Fund for UFO Research, Mt. Rainier, MD, April 1990.
[29] Friedman, Stanton T., "Majestic 12 Documents Update", UFORI, Houlton, ME, April 2004.
[30] Menzel, Donald, Dr., and Mrs. Lyle Boyd, "The World of Flying Saucers: Scientific Examination of a Major Myth of the Space Age, Doubleday, Garden City 1963.
[31] Menzel, Donald, Dr., "Flying Saucers", Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1953.
[32] Menzel, Donald, Dr., and Dr. Earnest Taves, "The UFO Enigma, Doubleday, Garden City 1977.
[33] Kitei, Lynne D. M.D., "The Phoenix Lights" Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc, Charlottesville, VA, 2004.
[34] Personal observation, "Phoenix Lights Documentary", MUFON International UFO Symposium, Denver, CO, July 22-24, 2005.
[35] Dolan, Richard M., "UFOs and the National Security State", Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc, Charlottesville, VA, 2002.
[36] Connelly, Dwight, "Ted Phillips the King of Traces", MUFON UFO Journal, Morrison, CO, June 2005.
[37] Phillips, Ted, "Physical Traces", MUFON UFO Journal, Morrison, CO, June 2005.
[38] Phillips, Ted, "Physical Traces", MUFON UFO Journal, Morrison, CO, July 2005.
[39] Phillips, Ted, "Physical Traces", MUFON UFO Journal, Morrison, CO, August 2005.
[40] McDonald, James E., PhD, "Statement On Unidentified Flying Objects", Submitted to the House Committee On Science and Astronautics, Symposium On Unidentified Flying Objects, Washington, D.C. July 29, 1968. Published by UFO Research Institute, Houlton, ME.
[41] Hillenkoetter, Roscoe, H., "Subject: Operation Majestic-12 Preliminary Briefing for President-Elect Eisenhower" 18 November 1952. . Reprinted in The Majestic Documents, Wood and Wood Enterprises, 1998.
[42] Webb, David F., "XIII Investigation of Entity Cases (Form 7)", MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, Mutual UFO Network, Inc. Seguin, Texas, February 1995.
[43] Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal, Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual, SOM1-01, April 1954. Wood and Wood Enterprises, Broomfield CO, 2006.
[44] Phillips, Ted, "Physical Traces", MUFON UFO Journal, Morrison, CO, September 2005.
[45] Schuessler, John F., "Medical Injuries From Close Encounters", MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, Mutual UFO Network, Inc. Seguin, Texas, February 1995.
[46] Jones, William E. JD, "The Betty & Barney Hill Abduction", UFOs, Serious Business? Absolutely! The Mutual UFO Network of Ohio, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, June 2005.
[47] Hopkins, Budd, Intruders Foundation, New York, NY,
[48] Personal Communication, 8th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium, Aztec, New Mexico, April 1-3, 2005.
[49] Friedman, Stanton T., "Jennings Program",
[50] The Black Vault, (Or just Google the Black Vault).
[51] Michael, Salla E., "The Covert World of UFO Crash Retrievals - An Overview of Personnel Management in Black Operations", 4th Annual Crash Retrieval Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 10-12, 2006.
[52] UFO Files: UFOs and the White House, The History Channel, October 2, 2005.
[53] Dolan, Richard M., "UFO Crash Retrievals: History of Leaks and the Structure of Secrecy", 4th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 10-12, 2006.
Questions or Comments? Feel free to contact me.
Dee Gragg
(505) 437-5419

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