Daniel Tarr
The Secret NASA Transmissions
by Martyn Stubbs
- A Review -
Martyn Stubbs presents » The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun and » NASA UFO Archives
This is a review is about a man named Martyn Stubbs, who recorded 2500+ hours of NASA Mission Video down-linked via satellite straight from the NASA shuttles and the international space station. Martyn Stubbs published a video called "The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Smoking Gun" in 2001 about his findings. The video is called the most popular underground tape among astronauts, and it claims to show video evidence of aliens in space. There's allegedly some form of intelligent life flying around on the NASA videos.
Watch the full film [1:30:00]:
The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun {link 2}
Throughout the documented history of those early pioneering man missions into space, one can find numerous references, made by both astronauts and cosmonauts, to witnessing and sometimes describing curious anomalous objects seen while in orbit around the Earth. John Glenn likened these to fireflies and for a time, NASA actually believed they had stumbled across living creatures, according to one of its’ retired astronauts Scott Carpenter.”
In the eyes of serious U.F.O. enthusiasts, 2000 is a date that would go down in history books as a defining moment in mankind's ongoing search for extraterrestrial life. On March 11, 2000, in front of an assembled audience of UFO enthusiasts and the media, evidence was presented that would appear to indicate the existence of, not one, but two types of unknown extraterrestrial lifeforms. Labeled "Phenomena One" (Spheres) and "Phenomena Two" (Dancing Lights in Space) by Martyn Stubbs - the man who dedicated his existence to pouring over thousands of hours of NASA footage - these remarkable images provide some of the most concrete examples of life in interstellar space ever presented.
Martyn Stubbs spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed. Now, for the first time ever, this compelling footage were released to the public in this release that just might make a believer out of even the most hardened skeptic.
There are four DVDs on the topic:

The phenomena observed:
The following extract is from » Mike Farell: The Smoking Gun Still Smokes
UFO magazine (UK) first released the NASA "Smoking Gun" footage to the world in March of 2000. The video clips of UFOs presented on this release and the ones to follow are unique in their nature and it really IS a matter of becoming accustomed to looking for these objects and recognising their strange characteristics and movements. Many of these film clips are just "seconds" in length and will not make any kind of serious impression on your mind with just one quick viewing. The best way to take a "serious" look at these NASA UFOs is to take each film clip in slow speeds and fast speeds, forwards and backwards. It is easier to recognize their movement in this way. You will suddenly realise that these objects are not "natural". These objects move as if under some kind of purposeful guidance.
These objects cannot be explained away as "ice crystals" or "shooting stars" or even "water droplets" caught in the window panes or in the camera lens. Thus only two conclusions remain: either these objects are "man-made" or these objects are made by somebody or "something" else! Unfortunately, these new NASA UFO video clips have not been given the same individual publicity and recognition as their dramatic counterparts like the "tether" footage, or the STS-80 or the original classic STS-48. We've seen ten years of NASA UFO footage surfacing in the public domain, but still we have not heard the kind of serious or intelligent responses we would expect from the scientists at NASA.
One example video clip is from the lecture tape by Martyn Stubbs at the recent Leed's Conference (UK). It bears an uncanny resemblance to the widely known UFO clip from the STS-48 mission back in 1991. If you own a copy of the Martyn Stubbs lecture tape from Leed's 2000, then go to the beginning of the footage segment at the end of the tape and hit your counter reset. Then fast forward and stop at 14 minutes and 30 seconds into this segment. You will then see a ten-second film clip I've named the "double streaker". In this clip, you see two spheres enter the picture and stop. One comes from the top left and one from the bottom right at about the same time. They remain in formation over Earth with each other for a second or two. Then you see a "flash of light" (like in the STS-48 film) and these two objects hovering over our planet suddenly accelerate in straight lines in the same direction at the exact same instant, both into outer space. These two spheres appear to show the same kind of amazing speed that we saw in the STS-48 film when that "object" made that 135 degrees turn and then sped off into outer space. However you don't see any "projectiles" in this clip as we did in the STS-48.
The next film clip to consider is on the same tape as above, but the clip starts at 8 minutes and 5 seconds from the start of the footage segment. This is clip where the NASA commentators are trying to find the Soviet Space Station MIR amongst a myriad of similar strange looking glowing and pulsating objects floating and flying about in orbit. The audience at the Leed's Conference where this video played also enjoyed the "comic relief" as NASA tried to find the Soviet Space Station without admitting to all the other "UFOs" on the screen. How embarrassing for NASA! Look for the "meteor" streak to go past and then in the center of the screen, you'll see what I've named the "magic blob" appear in space as if out of "nowhere" or perhaps even another "dimension" of time or space. Anyway, this "magic blob" then travels upwards, negotiating a path through the swarm of "white lights". When you play this clip in "fast reverse", the "appearing out of nowhere" and purposeful movement of this object is really apparent. This "magic blob" clip is very similar to the "blob of light" that appears to rise up from the atmosphere in the center of the screen on the STS-80 clip from December 1996. We see the same kind of sudden "appearance" in the STS-48 clip when the "main object" flys up over the horizon of our planet. Are we seeing some kind of "cloaking device" or a trick of the camera? We dismiss the idea that any visiting "creatures" would bother to cloak or disguise their craft and their people, yet the best military minds of our world are trying desperately to develop just that kind of technology.
But the big surprise in all this new NASA "smoking gun" footage is exactly 6 minutes from the start of the footage segment on the Leed's lecture tape featuring Martyn Stubbs. You see a "sphere" enter from the left-side at mid-screen. It darts up to the center top of the screen and stops near some solar panels and shuttle equipment. And you think, just another strange moving blob of light, could be anything, until you see it take a sudden dive down, twist around, and then zoom off to the right side of the lower screen area! Of course, this "zig-zag" UFO will no doubt go down in history as another innocent "water droplet", somehow caught between two panes of glass or camera lens, and able to keep it's shape and wander about without streaking or breaking up into smaller "droplets". Perhaps that's what outer space does to water droplets. The "single-gun-theory" gives way to the "single-water-droplet theory". We have the same water droplet explanation for the "spheres" seen moving and hovering over our planet on shuttle missions STS-37 & STS-51. One thing is for sure, nothing we know about can move like those "spheres" in the vacuum of outer space. Or so we've been told!
As you watch these NASA UFO clips over and over again, for hours at a time, you find these objects appear less and less "natural". Streaking by in all directions, making sharp turns, leaving from and descending to our planet, monitoring our space exploration efforts, zooming off from standing positions, going into parking positions, magically appearing and disappearing, avoiding each other, weaving in and out of formations and numerous large objects flying dangerously close to our space hardware, all without any comments from the astronauts.
If all these "objects" are not ordinary debris flying close to the camera, then these objects appear to be as large as cars, some as large as houses and some even larger. And if these objects are large and some distance from the camera, then shouldn't the astronauts be concerned about possible collisions. Indeed, in one film clip, we see a shuttle window damaged by a speck of debris flying at those tremendous speeds!
Watch these new NASA UFO films and you will find many other UFOs worthy of mention. And I'm sure there are many more UFO clips from NASA films still waiting to be noticed and examined by researchers.
As a matter of fact, two key researchers of UFOs in space have joined forces to take up where Martyn Stubbs has left off. One of them is David Sereda who has made his own analyses of the NASA UFO footage published in 2001 under the title » Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs. The second is Chris Zimmerman who has also made his own analyses of the NASA UFO footage published in 2007 under the title » NASA's Unknowns.
One thing is for sure, you can't deny the validity of NASA footage. The UFOs captured on tape are real! The interpretations are for you to judge.
For further explanation please visit » Mike Farell: The Smoking Gun Still Smokes

DiscloseTV Interview:
Disclose.tv - Martyn Stubbs Discovered Something Interesting...
For further information please visit Martyn Stubbs' » Video Channel on Youtube.
» Ufology - Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs
» Ufology - NASA's Unknowns
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