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Currently I am working in the Internet Development sector for the following company:
Sanoma Ltd. - New Media Division
Other duties include:
Soon there will be more here about Startlap... |
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As a leading media company, Sanoma Budapest puts emphases on its Internet ventures too. An important step in this respect was the acquisition of the Internet portal, Startlap in the summer of 2000. Since then, the company has been constantly launching new portals like Figyelőnet, Nők Lapja C@fé, National Geographic.hu, Vezess.hu, etc. and developing its present web sites like Cosmopolitan.hu, Beaumonde.hu, Kismama.hu, Szrtv.hu, Story.hu, etc. which makes it a more and more significant player on the local Internet market.
The main profile however is still printed media:
Sanoma Budapest is active in the market of consumer and business titles. Due to its diverse portfolio consisting of 26 titles it is one of the largest media companies in Hungary. Around 10 million copies of the Sanoma Budapest titles are being sold every month reaching 5,5 million readers without cross readership. Regarding the number of sold copies, five out of the first six womens' weeklies are published by Sanoma Budapest: Story, Színes RTV, Nők Lapja, Best and Meglepetés.
In the magazine market Sanoma Budapest has a market share of 30% regarding brutto readers market revenues, and 22% regarding brutto admarket revenues.
Consumer magazines21 different consumer magazines are published by Sanoma Budapest Rt. The range of magazines includes:
Business magazines: Figyelő, Figyelő Trend, Figyelő TOP200, Üzlet & Siker + a media trade magazine: Médiafigyelő
Gastronomy magazines: Fakanál, Fakanál Recepttár
Home decoration magazines: Otthon, Atrium
Men's magazines: FHM
Popular science magazines: National Geographic
Program magazines: Színes RTV, RTV Műsormagazin
Puzzle magazines: Füles, Poénvadászat
Womens' magazines (monthly and periodical): Kismama, Családi Lap, Cosmopolitan, Beau Monde, Nők Lapja Évszakok, Wellness, Praktika
Womens' weeklies: Nők Lapja, Meglepetés, Story, Best
For further information visit the » Sanoma Budapest Website (online).
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Last updated: 21-03-2005